animal cracker coffee recipe

Animal Cracker Latte Recipe

A simple fun take on your weekend at home latte.

Ingredients: (Serves 1):

  • Animal Crackers - Plain

  • 1 Cup Milk

  • Coffee

  • Cinnamon

Additional Equipment:

  • Milk Frother

  • Container with lid

  • Animal Crackers Frosted with Sprinkles for fun decorations


  • Pour 1 cup milk into container

  • Put a handful of animal cracker in the milk, cover, and let sit overnight in the fridge.

  • In the morning pour your favorite coffee or espresso in a mug.

  • Strain the animal crackers out of the milk. Pour strained milk into a milk frother.

  • Using a spoon pour hot milk over the coffee and then scoop the remaining foam on top.

  • Top with a dash of cinnamon and can garnish with frosted animal cracker on top.
